Title: Seawater Recipient: end1essly Rating: T Warnings: language Summary: Through three encounters, Quatre reflects on his role in life after the war. Author: liafic
Title: Winter Recipient: ellebefore_emm Rating: K Warnings: None. Summary: Lady comes to terms with peace. Author's Notes: I hope this is close to what you had in mind. =) Author: liafic
Title: Pause (constellations and the echoes of gunfire) Recipient: bloody_winged Rating: T Warnings: None. Summary: Heero searches for answers and finds them in unlikely places. Author's Notes: I hope you enjoy this, even though it might not be what you were expecting. Author: liafic
Title: Memory Recipient: scacao Rating: T Warnings: language Summary: Duo tries to figure out life after war. Author's Notes: The story went in a direction I wasn’t expecting, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Author: liafic